Dawn M.K. Zoldi
CEO and Founder
P3 Tech Consulting
Dawn M.K. Zoldi (Colonel, U.S. Air Force, retired) is a licensed attorney with 28 years of combined active-duty military and federal civil service to the U.S. Air Force. She is the CEO and founder of P3 Tech Consulting and an internationally recognized expert on emerging technology law and policy. Zoldi contributes to several magazines and hosts popular tech podcasts. In 2022, she received the Airwards People’s Choice Industry Impactor Award and was recognized as one of the Top Women to Follow on LinkedIn and listed in the eVTOL Insights PowerBook.
Safeguarding Sensitive Environments in the Era of the Hostile Drone Threat
While uncrewed systems offer tremendous benefits, they also pose security risks across various sectors including military, homeland security, critical infrastructure, law enforcement, borders, VIP protection and maritime operations. There is a critical need for technologies to address these challenges but also secure our drone-powered society. Detection and mitigation technologies rooted in military strategies may prove inadequate in sensitive civilian environments, leading to disruptions and potential collateral damage. This presentation will delve into the complexities of countering threats. It will also serve as an opportunity to advocate for counter-UAS measures that cater to the specific requirements of multiple sectors while ensuring operational flexibility and continuity and will discuss some of the recent legislative proposals making greater use of these measures possible in the United States, such as the Safeguarding the Homeland from the Threats Posed by Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act.