Patrick Butler

Patrick Butler

Director of Physical Security Technology



A New Era of American Investment in a Deglobalized World: What It Means for Supply Chains and Procurement Rules

Tuesday, May 21st

For the last 40 years, globalization and worldwide supply chains have been a major priority across industries and have dominated economic trends; however, a drive for greater domestic industrial bases coupled with post-COVID-19 pandemic effects causing supply change challenges is quickly changing that economic model. The speed with which supply chains are being reoriented, both domestically and internationally, is profound and it is important to stay on top of the changes.

To drive this new deglobalized world, federal and state governments are making generational investments to bolster American transportation, education and critical infrastructure networks.  Along with these investments comes renewed “Buy America” provisions impacting federal grant requirements being implemented on an agency-by-agency basis.  How should the security industry view these new investments and what can individual companies do to set themselves up for success from a procurement perspective in a deglobalized world?